
Encoding on Demand 10 and above

Apr 2020

Encoding on Demand uses the same hardware as the Encoding Live (G8 Currently) but doesn't require the SDI card or extra IP interfaces of the Encoding Live.

Primarily Encoding on Demand will encode files rather than live streams, the output can be either MPG4 or .TS format (for ABR).

Depending on the settings used, the Encoding on Demand can encode files in faster than real time, making it very fast to turn around assets for use on VOD Platforms.
The current version of Encoding on Demand is 11.x, but we are almost at a stable v12 release. The biggest difference between v10/11/12 and the Classic version is that we no longer require a load balancer.

encoding_on_demand_10_and_above.txt · Last modified: 2023/03/09 22:35 by