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Stat Mux and Audio Fail

Sept 2018


This relates to Encoding Live and the Stream Processor (software Mux) and I have seen this twice now, in two completely different sets of software versions.

When setting up the MFEL, generally I setup all the services as CBR, and all is fine, I then configure the MFSP, and have a .ts that is comprised of CBR services, and again all is fine.

However, once you start to change the Encoding Live services from CBR to Stat Mux, the video rate drops to a few hundred kb/s, and the audio component from the Encoder stops. If you delete the audio component from the Encoding Live, then the video starts to stat mux properly.

There is an Advanced Parameter that seems to fix this, and it shouldn't be required now, but maybe this bug has crept back in, and I don't know what issues using this Advanced Parameter could cause, but it might get you out of trouble.

Advanced Parameter

  waitStreamsForPmtGeneration.enable false

Version this was observed in:

ericsson-license-manager 0.2.9-0

stat_mux_and_audio_fail.1538550320.txt.gz · Last modified: 2023/03/09 22:35 (external edit)