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Editing Profile Resources

Oct 2021


This article is really only applicable in PoD per Service deployments

IPHE encoding profiles (except the one just called 'encoding') have a CPU limit that is defined in the yaml code. Each encoding profile type has a different value. However this value may not be very optimised for all servers, depending on the CPU / RAM configuration a server has.

For this reason we will probably want to change the default values for a particular server to optimise the number of vCPUs that are allocated to an encoding PoD.

Download an existing encoding profile

Open the MDT application (https://ipaddress:30443) and login using mdt-admin / changeme.

Now look for an appropriate encoding profile to download (I normally take encoding-hd) and select the 'export profile' button.

The encoding profile (a .yaml file) will now download.

Editing the encoding profile

Open the .yaml file (preferably in an editor that properly supports .yaml file formats (not notepad)) and save it to a new filename.

The part of the encoding profile that we are interested in starts with resources: If the file you downloaded does not have this section, download a difference default encoding profile (encoding-hd for example).

          cpu: 9

Below is the updated code block where we not only specify the vCPU request, we can also specify a limit that the PoD can go up to in terms of vCPU and memory.

          cpu: 7
          memory: 4Gi
          cpu: 15
          memory: 10Gi

You will have to edit the file and upload it with a new set of name(s). Please *** here *** for more instructions regarding this.

editing_profile_resources.1632235010.txt.gz · Last modified: 2023/03/09 22:35 (external edit)