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Silence Alarms for unconnected network interfaces

By default, any network interface not connected will generate the following alarm:

2016-06-30T03:03:45Z 10200 Raised Critical The cable may be unplugged (Interface 'eth5' is down)
2016-06-30T03:03:45Z 10200 Raised Critical The cable may be unplugged (Interface 'eth4' is down)
2016-06-30T03:03:45Z 10200 Raised Critical The cable may be unplugged (Interface 'eth3' is down)
2016-06-30T03:03:45Z 10200 Raised Critical The cable may be unplugged (Interface 'eth2' is down)
2016-06-30T03:03:45Z 10200 Raised Critical The cable may be unplugged (Interface 'eth1' is down)

In a Windows based product these alarms can be masked from the network configuration page, however in Linux based products this is not the case.

To mask these alarms in Linux, navigate to the following location:


Open this file:

      nicDynamicParams.xml - Set to "1" silent tags of unconnected interfaces. 

Once the file has been edited and saved, restart the following service to apply the change:

      service envivio-muse restart

wiki/silence_unconnected_network_interface_alarms.1469369833.txt.gz · Last modified: 2023/03/09 22:35 (external edit)