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Find Running Late Alarms

Running late alarms occur when the MFEL is unable to process video due to running out of processor resource. The reason the MFEL runs out of processor resource is either to many services on one chassis, or mis-configuration of the NUMA Cores.

A quick way to check for these errors is to use GREP to search the logs for the string “running late” or “sample queue”. Use the following two commands to search for these strings:

Search all “running late” messages in *.log and display only the last 25 occurrences

  grep "running late" /opt/envivio/data/muse/downloads/*.log | sort | tail -n 25
  grep "Sample queue" /opt/envivio/data/muse/downloads/*.log | sort | tail -n 25

wiki/find_running_late_alarms.1480627325.txt.gz · Last modified: 2023/03/09 22:35 (external edit)