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CentOS Bonding Interfaces

Jun 2017


For network redundancy, we can bond interface pairs on the G6/G7 servers. For this example I am using CentOS 6.x, so luckily still have the ethx naming convention.

Two bond a pair of interfaces requires three files (four if you want to do some multicast routing). first we will look at bonding a pair of interfaces for management, then we can look at bonding a pair of interfaces for ingest/egress.

Management Interface Bonding

For bonding the management interfaces, we will require three files. I am making the assumption that we are using the first two interfaces (eth0 and eth1) for management, and that this is our first bond on this device (so bond0):

wiki/centos_bonding_interfaces.1498473066.txt.gz · Last modified: 2023/03/09 22:35 (external edit)