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Setting up the Slave UMDs

This page is work in progress and is incomplete

Slave Raspberry Pi(s)

The slave Raspberry Pi(s) download the latest 'my_data.txt' from the Master Raspberry Pi (once a second) using a 'wget' command, this means that each slave knows what to display. The my_data.txt file is downloaded every second, so changes to the file via the web interface propagate through the UMDs very quickly.

The 'my_data.txt' file has 8 lines, each line is for a particular display, so for example, line 1 & 2 are for LCD1 and reference monitors 1 and 2. Lines 5 & 6 are for LCD and reference monitors 5 & 6.

The setup of the slave UMDs is very simple compared to the Master. Setup Raspbian, copy some files and away you go.

Set Static IP Address

To set a static IP address, we need to login to the RPi via SSH and change the following file:

The default login is username: pi and password: raspberry (if this is an existing unit that is misbehaving, the login will be pi and Ericss0n)


Enter the following

  sudo nano /etc/dhcpdc.conf
  Add these lines to the end of the file (default is dhcp) using  your own IP Address details
      static ip_address=
      static routers=
      static domain_name_servers=

Use Ctrl-X to exit and Y to save, now reboot the pi and connect to the new address

Raspi Config

From the terminal, run:

  sudo raspi-config

You will see the following menu, there are several items we want to change here.

┌────────────────────┤ Raspberry Pi Software Configuration Tool (raspi-config) ├───────────────────────────┐
│                                                                                                          │
│     1 Expand Filesystem            Ensures that all of the SD card storage is available to the           │
│     2 Change User Password         Change password for the default user pi)                              │
│     3 Boot Options                 Choose whether to boot into a desktop environment or the command line │
│     4 Wait for Network at Boot     Choose whether to wait for network connection during boot             │
│     5 Internationalisation Options Set up language and regional settings to match your location          │
│     6 Enable Camera                Enable this Pi to work with the Raspberry Pi Camera                   │
│     7 Add to Rastrack              Add this Pi to the online Raspberry Pi Map (Rastrack)                 │
│     8 Overclock                    Configure overclocking for your Pi                                    │
│     9 Advanced Options             Configure advanced settings                                           │
│     0 About raspi-config           Information about this configuration tool                             │
│                                                                                                          │
│                                                                                                          │
│                             <Select>                                   <Finish>                          │
│                                                                                                          │

Select Option 2 (Change User Password) - Change the password to Ericss0n
Select Option 3 (Boot Options) - Change to B2 Console Autologin Text console, automatically logged in as 'pi' user
Select Option 9 (Advanced) then A2 (HostNane) - Change the Hostname to UMD00n (where n is the display number)
Select Finish when asked to reboot select Yes

Update RPI

Even if you downloaded the latest version of Raspbian, chances are there are some updates. To update the RPi use the following command line:

  sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade -y 

This will most likely take a few minutes on a new install.

Create Folder, Copy Files, Set Permissions

To hold the UMD LCD files, create a folder in your home location called Python and give the following rights:

  mkdir /home/pi/Python
  sudo chmown www-data /home/pi/Python
  sudo chmod 777 /home/pi/Python

We need to copy the files to the /home/pi/Python location, for the Slave there are four files:

  • - A script to auto start the UMD at boot
  • getData - This is the script that gets the updated my_data.txt file
  • my_data.txt - This holds the LCD data text, and downloaded from the Master via wget commands
  • - The Python code that runs the LCD

These files need to be copied to the /home/pi/Python location

sudo chmod 777 /home/pi/Python/*

Edit getData File

The getData file contains the wget command that pulls the latest version of my_data.txt from the Master Pi. The my_data.txt contains the 8 lines of text for the four LCD displays (2 lines for each LCD).

Example my_data.txt

  UPPER MONITOR (7) - Sky Cinema HD
  LOWER MONITOR (8) - Sky Sports UHD

Example getData

  sudo wget -q >null -O my_data.txt

In the getData file we need to replace the IP Address with the IP Address of our Master UMD Pi.

  sudo wget -q http://ipaddress/my_data.txt >null -O my_data.txt

You could use HostNames, but I have found hostnames on Pi's pretty unreliable.

Raspi Config

setting_up_the_slave_umds.1482341633.txt.gz · Last modified: 2023/03/09 22:35 (external edit)