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Reboot Command

July 2021


The RX1 runs (at this time) on CentOS, and there are a couple of ways you can reboot the unit. From the command line you can issue the reboot command, or from the UI you can use the reboot button. There is a script however that can be used to reboot the unit, and this does a complete shutdown, and start up of the unit, the same as if the unit had been powered off, then on again.

Reboot Script

The reboot script is called and lives in the /opt/ericsson/mfcp/ location.

To use the script, from the command line simply enter the following:

  sudo /opt/ericsson/mfcp/

If prompted, enter the relevant password for the logged in user (probably 2uy4&C)

reboot_command.1626006509.txt.gz · Last modified: 2023/03/09 22:35 (external edit)