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Check 1+1 SP Comms

Mar 2023


This is pertaining to an SP release in LB 5.0.9 (but not necessarily limited to this release) where there seems to be a bug with running Compact Mode and Content Extraction.

For some reason there is a process called ericsson-stream-processing-content-extraction that is being setup internally with a 'proxy'. The proxy is for comms between the service and whatever calls it in a containerised system, not in a RPM system. The proxy has to be removed, which thankfully is very simple.

To work out the status of the proxy setting we need to check the status of a service, however to get the latest status of the service we need to restart it, this can be done using the following:

  systemctl restart ericsson-stream-processing-content-extraction

There is no feedback from this command line.

To check the status of the service use the following:

  systemctl status ericsson-stream-processing-content-extraction

This will give an output similar to the following:

mksp_compact_mode.1678468108.txt.gz · Last modified: 2023/03/10 17:08 by walkeradmin