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Kubernetes K8

Apr 2021


Containers contain functions for software components, a container can be a web server, a data processor or an data I/O device, anything really that you used to be able to run on a bare metal server or a VM. Containers can run on multiple servers in multiple locations.

Kubernetes provides an open-source API that controls how and where those containers will run, and manages continer failure and restarts.

Kubernetes Commands

There are many Kubernets commands, here we will explore some that will be useful when dealing with MediaKind HeadEnd solutions (IPHE).

get nodes

  kubectl -n mediakind get nodes

In the above example, kubectl is the command, mediakind is the namespace we are dealing with and get nodes is the parameters for the command.

NAME           STATUS   ROLES         AGE   VERSION   Ready    master,node   20d   v1.13.12   Ready    master,node   20d   v1.13.12   Ready    master,node   20d   v1.13.12   Ready    node          20d   v1.13.12

kubectl -n mediakind get nodes returns the number of 'servers' in the deployment, these nodes can be bare metal or Virtual Machines.

kubernetes_k8.1617991161.txt.gz · Last modified: 2023/03/09 22:35 (external edit)