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Dual Output EL Switch on loss of all output interfaces

May 2424


Okay, it's a long title, but what does it mean? If we look at the nCompass map below, we can see that the Encoders are outputting, but only a single interface is show, even though we are outputting on two interfaces (eno3 and eno4)

when using dual outputs, if either output fails, we get a Critical Alarm. This means that the second encoder will take over, even though we still have a valid output from one of the output interfaces on the first encoder.

Remove Dual Output Prevention from EL

If you are using DOP (dual output prevention) in the Encoders, you need to turn this off.

From the

dual_output_el_switch_on_loss_of_all_output_interfaces.1716479228.txt.gz · Last modified: 2024/05/23 16:47 by walkeradmin