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Creating Local Mount Points

Apr 2020


The standard appliance that we supply for MediaKind Encoding on Demand is a G8 Server. While a very capable server, it only has 240GB SSD installed. Not enough room to store lots of source and encoded files.

This is not a problem because the environment that an On Demand Encoder is used will have some kind of network storage. This storage is accessed by the Encoding on Demand to both receive and output any files that the server is working on.

If you however want to do some testing, and don't have any network storage, then you can use the internal drive, but it does have some pitfalls, and you need to know what you are doing.

First thing you need to know is where to create your storage directories, have a look at the two images below:

creating_mount_points_local.1588085248.txt.gz · Last modified: 2023/03/09 22:35 (external edit)