
Check Mellanox Rivermax Card Serial

Oct 2023


When fitting a Mellanox ConnectX5 or ConnectX6 card to either RX1 (ConnectX5) or CE1 (ConnectX6) we need get obtain a license and put this on the M1 server, before requesting licences we require the serial number of the actual card.

Use the following procedure to obtain the card serial number:

Use the following Commands:

lspci | grep Mellanox 

sudo lspci -vv -s xx:xx.x | grep " Serial number" 

where xx:xx.x is the first string in the previous command 

Returns (example with one card in the chassis) 

lspci | grep Mellanox 
02:00.0 Ethernet controller: Mellanox Technologies MT2892 Family [ConnectX-6 Dx] 
02:00.1 Ethernet controller: Mellanox Technologies MT2892 Family [ConnectX-6 Dx] 

sudo lspci -vv -s 02:00.0 | grep " Serial number" 
[SN] Serial number: MT2045X09274 

Give this serial number to Gavin Dragonetti and he will supply you with a license file.

when you get the file, rename it to rivermax.lic and put it in this folder on the CE1

/opt/mellanox/rivermax (you may have to create the rivermax folder)

Reboot the Server
check_mellanox_rivermax_card_serial.txt · Last modified: 2023/10/31 14:15 by walkeradmin