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A Massive Gotchya

Mar 2017

Regarding the 40x2 LCD

I used a 40×2 LCD display with a 16 pin header on one end. This project will work with almost any HD44780 or compatible display, you just need to adjust the pin outs.

Below is a picture of the connector, and you can see where pin 1 is written on the PCB. When I tested the LCD (before I had any PCBs made) I used jumper cables, and put the correct pin (using Pin 1 on the LCD PCB as a reference) and all worked fine. (When I say I used Pin 1 on the LCD PCB I mean the white number 1 on the board.

a_massive_gotchya.1489250918.txt.gz · Last modified: 2023/03/09 22:35 (external edit)