Check Compact SP Deployment Proxy Setting in case Content Extraction fails

Mar 2023


This is pertaining to an SP release in LB 5.0.9 (but not necessarily limited to this release) where there seems to be a bug with running Compact Mode and Content Extraction.

For some reason there is a process called ericsson-stream-processing-content-extraction that is being setup internally with a 'proxy'. The proxy is for comms between the service and whatever calls it in a containerised system, not in a RPM system. The proxy has to be removed, which thankfully is very simple.

To work out the status of the proxy setting we need to check the status of a service, however to get the latest status of the service we need to restart it, this can be done using the following:

  systemctl restart ericsson-stream-processing-content-extraction

There is no feedback from this command line.

To check the status of the service use the following:

  systemctl status ericsson-stream-processing-content-extraction

This will give an output similar to the following: