Create the Key Pair

Aug 2017


If you have already manually created an EC2 Instance (and I hope you have, or this might not make any sense) you will already have a key pair. If you have just created a new account to test this then you will not yet have a key pair. You need to manually create a key pair as the Terraform script we are using here does not do this for you, it simply allows you to chose an existing key pair.

If you have an existing key pair that you have downloaded, you can use this as well, however this is not covered here, it will be covered in a more advanced section.

In the AWS Console, navigate to the Resources section.

Select Key Pairs.

The Key Pairs page will open.

Select Create Key Pair.

A pop up browser window will open

Enter a new Key Pair name.

Select Create.

The new Key Pair will be created and added to the Key Pair list.

Also the key pair will be downloaded, please do not lose this file, it cannot be re-downloaded.