====== Default v7 Console Parameter List ====== \\ This is the default parameter page on a v7 MFEL installation on a fresh OS install (so no previous version of MFEL was present) \\ \\ Code installed was envivio-muse- \\ ### ADDED EXCEPTIONNAL### ### END ADDED EXCEPTIONNAL### #license_interface by local cgi license_interface=atoll.communication.interfaces.license.atollcgilicenseinterface.AtollCgiLicenseInterface # Ability to disable traces.txt #log.trace=0 log.output=/opt/envivio/data/muse/downloads/ logFile.directory=/opt/envivio/data/muse/downloads/logs/ # Settings for NIC management netsh.stdout=/opt/envivio/data/muse/downloads/netsh_stdout.txt netsh.stderr=/opt/envivio/data/muse/downloads/netsh_stderr.txt nic.overrideNames=false # Patch ALEX trace in thread log.threaded=true log.maxSize=250 log.maxFilesPerDay=20 trace.log.maxSize=500 encodingProcess.log.maxSize=500 memory.logPeriod=15000 memoryIndicator.log.maxSize=2000 cpuIndicator.log.maxSize=2000 # Add log for ESAM requests (bug 40036) esam.logData=true # Statmux listener log period limitation statmux.announce.listener.minLogPeriod=3600000 # Check C disk only for blade checkDisks_C_only=true # Do not use powerSupply sensor on blade sensor.powerSupply=false # Probe tool authorization #probe=true #probe.sampleDump.dir=/opt/envivio/data/muse/downloads memLogger_entryMax=0 deltacast.usegenlock=true resetrequests.apply=True resetrequests.max=3 sockettimeout=55 # Memory dump when memory usage is limit dumpVirtualMemoryUsage=true virtualMemoryDumpFile=/opt/envivio/data/muse/downloads/memoryDump.txt directshow.avoidDevice1=WDM Video For Windows Capture Driver (Win32) mp4.useDefaultSampleDuration=false ss.manifest.useDisplayResolution=true # Deactivate eth3/4 backup mechanism on pid scrambled #ipReceiver.badStream.switch=false #mpeg2TsDemuxer.toggleTimeout=0 # Exclusive mandatory options for enabling ISDB-T compliancy (not by default) #mpeg2ts.audioMux.only1FramePerPes=true #mpeg2ts.eraseDts=true # For multiblade : prevent dump of sample attribute 'frame metadata' (unnecessary and too heavy) sampleDump.dumpFrameMetadata=false # Don't Save network config on WS2008 systemConfig.enableNetworkDump = false systemConfig.enableDump = false # Unicast mode to the distributed encoding feature with command #mastercore.mode=DYNAMIC_DIRECT_ACCESS_UNICAST # Settings mandatory for mediaroom certification #xec.iptv_hd.level=11 #xec.iptv_sd.level=8 #xec.iptv_pip.level=4 #rtp.keepStuffing=true # Unicast optimization #dmif.useUnicastManager[*]=true # Draco timeout draco.port1.timeout=60 # Multi Processing draco.distributedGraphManager=true masterSlave.setAffinity=false draco.distributedGraph.exitDelay=15000 # EBP signaling Parameters for telecine.preventDoubleRepeatFrames=true telecine.preventShiftFrames=false telecine.enableFieldOrderDetection=false # Bug 33898 - Interop with Widevine Packager # Forced gops only : 0: allow I inside chunk; 1: only P and B inside chunk. #xec.chunksWithoutIntra=1 # Bug 33898 - [PCR#07] Video with black frames: define xec.blackBitRate (kbps) or xec.blackFrameRate to define a minimum threshold for video stream: # under this bitrate/framerate threshold (e.g. 10kbps and/or Quarter frame rate), video will be replaced by black frames (workaround for audio-only content, which is not accepted by Widevine Packager) #xec.blackBitRate=20 #xec.blackFrameRate=8 # Bug 33697 - Static routes support # To define n routes, set "staticRoute.1" to "staticRoute.n" parameters # Route format: "target_IP_address mask gateway_IP_address NICs" (NICs can be: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 1-2, 3-4, 5-6) #staticRoute.1= 1-2 #staticRoute.debug=true # Blade: NICs are not closed on switch (by 4Manager), so there is no need to handle this event staticRoute.restoreRoutes.onNicIsGoingUp=false #mpeg2_ts output ip.rawSocketMode=false #decoder audio decoderFilter.mpeg1audioDecoderLibName=etvmpeg1audioippdecoder addon.enable=false # Speedup Draco init draco_full_init=False # Fix Bug 35921 - Set POIS XML namespace to ESAM I01 esam.spe.esam.signal=http://www.cablelabs.com/namespaces/metadata/xsd/conditioning/2 esam.spe.sig=http://www.cablelabs.com/namespaces/metadata/xsd/signaling/2 esam.mcce.esam.manifest=http://www.cablelabs.com/namespaces/metadata/xsd/confirmation/2 esam.mcce.sig=http://www.cablelabs.com/namespaces/metadata/xsd/signaling/2 #Indicate that the CPU is full used, Raised if more than 90% for linux OS alarm.cpuThresholdFull=90 #Indicate that the used CPU is too high, Raised if more than 87% for linux OS alarm.cpuThresholdUp=87 #CPU threshold to release alarm alarm.cpuThresholdDown=84 #must be positionned to true in order to activate ABORT signal sending memory.useHighMemoryRestart= true # SNMP rights to allow restart of snmpd snmp.daemon.sudo=true # specific advanced parameters for Comcast: Linux processing optimisation deringing.queueLength=15 videoEncodSampleQueueLen=40 audioenc.sampleQueuePriorityRT=true deringing.sampleQueuePriorityRT=true SQAfterAudioEncoder.enable=true # WORKAROUND for Bug 41288 - [Performances]: Impossible to encode HD IPTV and HD ITV in same service due to NUMA setting masterSlave.setPreferredNumaNode=false # prevent frameRateConverter from limiting 4Kp60 to 4Kp30 draco.frameRateLimit=60.0 # debug statmux.logStatusAccuracy=2