====== Show Configured Input Services ====== Jun 2017 \\ \\ ---- To display configured Input services, use the following command (after mondo halodb) \\ \\ db.input.find() \\ The output will look similar to: \\ { "_id" : ObjectId("594102c7818fca0ed83551da"), "public_id" : "service1", "name" : "Service1", "created_at" : ISODate("2017-06-14T09:32:55.262Z"), "updated_at" : ISODate("2017-06-14T09:32:57.525Z"), "version" : "1.9.0", "gop_signaling" : "EBP", "gop_duration" : 2000, "sources" : [ { "port" : 10001, "address" : "" }, { "port" : 10002, "address" : "" }, { "port" : 10003, "address" : "" }, { "port" : 10004, "address" : "" } ], "multicast_sources" : [ ], "created_by_dvr" : false } { "_id" : ObjectId("59413043818fca5a01232e8c"), "public_id" : "service2", "name" : "Service2", "created_at" : ISODate("2017-06-14T12:46:59.451Z"), "updated_at" : ISODate("2017-06-14T12:46:59.451Z"), "version" : "1.9.0", "gop_signaling" : "EBP", "gop_duration" : 2000, "sources" : [ { "port" : 10001, "address" : "" }, { "port" : 10002, "address" : "" }, { "port" : 10003, "address" : "" }, { "port" : 10004, "address" : "" } ], "multicast_sources" : [ ], "created_by_dvr" : false } \\ The unit I ran this command on had two configured services, Service1 and Service2. \\ \\ The main information we can see from each section is: "public_id" : "service1", "name" : "Service1", "created_at" : ISODate("2017-06-14T09:32:55.262Z"), "gop_signaling" : "EBP", "gop_duration" : 2000, "sources" "port" : 10001, "address" : "" } "port" : 10002, "address" : "" } "port" : 10003, "address" : "" } "port" : 10004, "address" : "" } \\ \\