====== RTMP Streaming to YouTube ====== May 2024 \\ \\ ---- ==== Introduction ==== Encoding Live supports RTMP streaming to YouTube, but the configuration is not that obvious, but is thankfully quite simple to configure. This article assumes you already know how to use an Encoding Live, and contains just the additional information required for RTMP. \\ \\ ---- ==== Export Type ==== This tripped me up the first time I tried to set this up, I used the IPTV export type, if you do this, on the output page the option to select RTMP will not be available. \\ \\ You must use the Export Type 'Internet TV' as shown below: \\ \\ {{:rtmpexporttype.png?900|}} \\ \\ ---- ==== Encoding Parameters ==== \\ The only 'gotchya' is with the Audio, I have used AAC and this was fine, if you use other CODECS you might find you don't have any options to select audio on the output. \\ \\ {{ :rtmpaudioformat.png?600 |}} \\ ---- ==== YouTube Settings ==== \\ At the time of writing, to create a 'Live' stream in YouTube, first navigate to: https://studio.youtube.com/ Then from the top right, click the Create (Camera) icon and Select 'Go Live' {{ :rtmpyoutubepage.png?300 |}} \\ You will see the YouTube Studio Page: \\ \\ {{ :youtubestudio.png?800 |}} \\ You need to change the the 'Stream Settings' page: \\ \\ {{ :youtube_rtmp.png?800 |}} \\ \\ From this page you need to copy the following: \\ \\ Stream Key Stream URL Backup server URL \\ These will all be used in the Encoding Live. \\ \\ ---- ==== Encoding Live Output Settings ==== \\ Once you have created your Encoding Live Service (using the Internet TV Export Type) you can add the RTMP output from the output page: \\ \\ {{ :rtmp_el_output_pages.png?900 |}} \\ Simply enter the following: \\ Transport protocol RTMP(S) Network Interface (the nic connected to the outside world) Publishing Point Stream URL from YouTube Studio Sec Publishing Point Backup Server URL from YouTube Studio \\ To be able to enter the Stream Key, you need to click the edit button on the right hand side of the Web Page: \\ \\ {{ :rtmp_el_streamname.png?900 |}} \\ \\ Now you can enter the Stream Key in the output streams page, and select the video and audio component you wish to use for this stream. \\ \\ {{ :rtmp_ooutput_stream_page.png?900 |}} \\ \\ That's it, you should be streaming to YouTube (don't forget to start the service). \\ \\ ----