====== EL / Single Server Change IP Address Alma Linux ====== Feb 2024 \\ \\ ---- ==== Introduction ==== Since using Alma Linus and cRPM installations for Encoding Live and Single Server applications, changing the management IP Address has become a little more tricky than just changing the IP Address in the ifcfg-xxxx files. \\ \\ This document assumes you are fairly familiar with the installation of Controller/Encoding Live and some of the other server settings. Please seek advice if you are not familiar with these things. \\ \\ **NOTE --- This process only works if Controller was initally installed using the loopback address of** \\ \\ If the unit was installed using a physical address for Controller then you either have the choice of: \\ \\ Create a second IP Address on the unit - See: [[multiple_ip_addresses_on_single_interface|Multiple IP Addresses on Single Interface]] \\ Complete re-install of all software. \\ \\ If your Server Software is already installed, and you know that Controller was installed using and all you need to do is change Management IP Address, then skip to the last section in the article - "Management IP Address Change" ---- ==== Server Pre-Requisites ==== When installing the Encoding Live or Single Server we must perform a few pre-requisite steps, and these are: \\ \\ ---- === Alma Linux Security Updates === Install the Alma Linux Security updates for your version of software. \\ tar -xvf mediakind-almalinux-updates-x.x-x.tar.gz cd mediakind-almalinux-updates-x.x-x ./install --update === Edit the Hosts file === Edit the /etc/hosts file and add the loopback (if not already set) and local IP Address and host name. \\ vi /etc/hosts server1 (where is the management IP Address and server1 will be hostname of the server) Example Hosts File \\ localhost localhost.localdomain localhost4 localhost4.localdomain4 ::1 localhost localhost.localdomain localhost6 localhost6.localdomain6 server1 === Set the HostName === Set the hostname of the server using the following: hostnamectl set-hostname server1 === TimeSync === Enable ChronyD for time synchronisation (requires internet access and DNS running) \\ systemctl enable chronyd \\ \\ You can check timesync by using the following: timedatectl Example output: \\ Local time: Tue 2024-02-06 19:41:00 UTC Universal time: Tue 2024-02-06 19:41:00 UTC RTC time: Tue 2024-02-06 19:41:00 Time zone: Etc/UTC (UTC, +0000) System clock synchronized: yes NTP service: active RTC in local TZ: no === Reboot the Server === Until the server is rebooted, any IP Address or HostName changes will not take effect. \\ sudo reboot \\ ---- ==== Installing MK Software ==== If the software is already installed then of course you can skip this section, the important part here is for Controller. \\ \\ **You must** use the Loopback IP address of **** when installing the Controller component. \\ ---- === Install Controller using Loopback Address === Use the following Commands: tar -xvf installer-controller-el8-v.x.y-z.tgz ./installer-controller-el8-*.sh host --configure --autoremove true ./installer-controller-el8-*.sh host-apps --configure ./installer-controller-el8-*.sh controller --configure --controllerIP1 --serverID server1 This means that Controller and Mongo will communicate on the loopback address of, so changing the Management IP Address will not break this connection. \\ \\ Only the Controller Install uses the Loopback Address. \\ \\ In the Controller UI, you will still see the actual server IP Address listed ( for example). \\ ---- === install Encoding Live === (For an IP Address change, only the EL will need to be changed, RT/Mux/Controller require no changes). ./installer-encoding-live-el8-*.sh standalone --configure --controllerIP --licenseServerIP Where the --controllerIP and --licenseServerIP is the management IP Address of the server. (This is for Standalone and Single Server installs only). \\ \\ After EL install, unit will automatically reboot. \\ ---- **If this is an Encoding Live only Server, your software installation is complete, please check the section Changing the Server Management IP address at the end of this article.** \\ ---- === Install Reliable Transport === You do not need to specify an IP Address to install RT \\ tar -xvf installer-reliable-transport-el8-*.tar.gz ./installer-reliable-transport-el8-*.sh standalone --configure --serverID server1 where the **serverID** used is the same as teh **serverID** used during the previous Controller installation. \\ ---- === Install the Multiplexer === You do not need to specify an IP Address to install the Mux in Standalone mode (for 1+1 you need a Peer IP). \\ \\ However, it is good practice to specify the multicast address used for the Announcers, changing a management IP address does not require the Announcer addresses be changed. \\ tar -xvf installer-multiplexer-el8-*.tar.gz ./installer-multiplexer-el8-*sh standalone --configure --muxAnnouncer --statmuxAnnouncer --simulcryptAnnouncer --bisscaAnnouncer ---- All SW should now be installed, check the UI. \\ \\ I am not sure if a reboot would be best here. Will not hurt to do a reboot at this point. \\ ---- ==== Management IP Address Change ==== The only IP Address that needs to be changed is for Encoding Live. Controller is using under the hood and RT and Mux didn't have an IP Address specified during the installation. \\ change the IP Address in /etc/hosts to the new management IP Address change the server IP in /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts reboot the server The Server reboot will make the IP Address and Host Name changes live \\ Navigate to: /var/install/encoding-live-x.x.x/standalone and find the file last_configure.sh change the current IP Addresses for EL and LicenseServer then run the last_configure.sh with no switches ./last_configure.sh \\ ---- Now re-test the server functionality, all services should work fine on the new Management IP address. \\ \\