====== Change Mux Simulcrypt Crypto Period ====== Jun 2024 ---- ==== Introduction ==== \\ By default, the Multiplexer Crypto Period is set to 10 seconds, and quite often broadcasters want to change this period to match the settings of their own CA system. Unfortunately (at the time of writing) this setting cannot be changed via the UI, so requires setting via an SSH session (or directly via KVM). \\ \\ ---- ==== Procedure ==== Login via any SSH application. \\ \\ {{ :ssh_alma_linux.png?800 |}} \\ Start the Kubernetes application by typing 'k9s' and press 'Enter' \\ \\ {{ :k9s.png?800 |}} \\ This will start the k9s application and display all the PODs \\ \\ With this page open, enter the following - :cm (this is to take you to the Config Maps) then press 'Enter' key. \\ \\ {{ :config_maps.png?800 |}} \\ Scroll down the list of PODs until you see the POD stream-processor-simulcrypt-config \\ \\ {{ :stream_processor_simulcrypt_config_pod.png?800 |}} \\ With this POD highlighted, press 'e' on the keyboard. \\ \\ {{ :cp_period.png?600 |}} \\ Here you can see the "cpDuration": 10, is set to 10 seconds. \\ \\ Change this to the required value and use :wq to save the config. \\ \\ You will need to restart the POD for the new settings to become valid, to do this we need to get back to the POD view, for this you will need to enter :POD then Enter. \\ \\ This will put you back at the POD view. \\ \\ {{ :pod_view.png?800 |}} \\ With the stream-processing-simulcrypt-xxxxxxxx POD highlighted, select CTRL-K to kill the POD, a new POD will be automatically created using the new settings that you edited in the Config Map. \\ \\ Use CTRL-C to exit the k9s application. \\ \\ ----